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Sunday, September 28, 2008


Anybody doing GPT(get paid to) sights online should be aware of this website, in a good way!

GPTBoycott is a list of non paying sites, that by their name, you can guess, is asking everybody to boycott.

GPTBoycott has quite an extensive list of sights that include,, Netwinner ect. This can be seen HERE.

Now here is how the sight works. If you have a complaint about a sight not paying you or a suspision of a scam by paypal dropping their account ect. submit it to GPTBoycott. (you can submitt HERE) Once they ahve 10 complaints on a site they start looking into them. If they can come up with 10 valid complaints then the site goes on the Boycott list. This is to ensure there isn't a boycotting done on an clean and true sight.

What does the boycotting do? Well this urges companies and indivduals to stay away from this site and eventualy the site will go out of business thus, stop scamming people!

Now they also have a watch list. This is a list of companies they ahve valid compaints on but not enough compliants and evidance to boycott them yet. This list here they are asking for you compliants and experiances to help push the company over the edge to the boycott list.

So check back often on this site and add you complaints to help others out!

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