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Monday, December 29, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Top Traffic Exchages Part 1
Traffic Era
One of my top favs is Traffic Era (Tera). this is one of the first Traffic Exchanges i joined. They have many great features but it can also get a little confusing. As a free member you get 3 credits per site visited. I have become an upgraded member and now get 15 credits per site visited. No what that is is you visit a site after the 10 second timer runs out you click the matching number. easy Enough! The credits are basicly seconds some one views your site. 15 credits is 1 visit. Now while surfing you earn bonus credits, anywhere between 5 -50 at a time! Now you also earn clocks while surfing. You want to earn clocks in sets of 10. You first set each day will earn your 5 tokens. Each set after that in a day will earn you 10 tokens. But if you stop surfing for more then 2 hours at a time your lose your clocks.
Now token can be used in the market place to buy time credits, extra surf rations and more. Now Traffic Era also has team surfing! Each week the tops teams earn extra credits! Plus teams compete in clock races to see which teams can get so many clocks first and the top 4 teams gets credits.Plus you get a team chat window. Plus the top 500 members each week get extra tokens! PLUS you get credits (and PV) for each 24 hour unique hit on your referral link!
Now if you have extra credits you aren't using you can sell them back to the site for Logi Bucks(LB) (the site currancy) Ratios start at 1 LB per 10,000 credits. This will go up to 2LB per 10k in credits or more depending on how many upgraded referrals and stars your have. These Logi bucks can be used to buy upgrades on the site.
now for each month you remain upgraded you get 5,000 loyalty points. and you get 1 credit per loyalty point credited to your account. So for month 1 you get 5,000 loyalty points and 5,000 credits. stay upgraded for 2 month they add another 5,000 loyalty points so you have 10,000 points and get 10,000 credits!

These next 4 are all owned By Kenneth Kraakstad
Hover Traffic
Next is Hover Traffic This one Ken co-owns but still has his great ideas in it! This one is different. after your time for viewing an add is up you don't click a number or image you 'hover' over the image. basicly move your mouse over the image, no clicking required!
A few of my fav. features of Hover Traffic is they just installed a surfers reward. You get bonus rewards based on the number of pages you surf after 100 pages, and this is daily! Also if you surf 150 pages a Day, 5 times a Week and get a bonus 100 credits each week. Plus their Jack Pot, Surf 100 pages and have a chance to win 1000 credits while surfing! Plus another great bonus is approx. every 225 pages you surf daily you will win $0.10!! This link appears in yellow in the surf bar under the hover button and you have to watch for it and claim it!
Other bonuses you can claim are in their stop pages they ask a question basicly like a cheat test you click the true or false answer and win credits. Also they have bonus pages. these are white with red letters you can win banner or text impression and credits but you have to claim these when you see them. Plus on the surf bar you can win a bonus 4 credits you have to watch for the link. Plus while your surfing they have a letter hunt going on. You collect letters of the current phrase you are on when you finish the phrase you earn bonus credits too. This you don't have to pay attention it it is automatic.
Now this site offers dynamic Surf Rates, Plus multiply your surf ratio and continue the same surf ratio the next day, lasts for 24 hours. Free members start with 2:1 Ratio. Plus to up the amount of credits you earn per page view they have Power surf that generally last for 36 hours and will give you anywhere between 50% to 100% more credits per page view!
Now this site also offers Team Surfing that resets each day. At least once a week there is a cash prize for the top 3 teams!! You can also earn cash for referrals and a % of what your referrals spend on the site.
Another great feature is while you surf you earn 0.001 bonus point per page viewed and 0.3 bonus points per referral. These bonus points can be used to upgrade your account! So you don't have to pay for upgrades!!
The site also offers banner impressions, text impressions, free rotator and more!

Now these next 3 sites listed are owned by Kenneth and are set up the same way with the same bonuses they just have different themes so i will write one review on all 3 of them:
Traffic Muscles

Generalen Traffic Empire

Traffic Giantic

These 3 sites you have the choice of either click surfing or hover surfing so which ever you like best! These site have a lot in common with Hover traffic Also, You get bonus rewards based on the number of pages you surf after 100 pages, and this is daily! Also if you surf 150 pages a Day, 5 times a Week and get a bonus 100 credits each week. Plus their Jack Pot, Surf 100 pages and have a chance to win 1000 credits while surfing!
Other bonuses you can claim are in their stop pages they ask a question basicly like a cheat test you click the true or false answer and win credits. Also they have bonus pages. these are white with red letters you can win banner or text impression and credits but you have to claim these when you see them. Plus on the surf bar you can win a bonus 7 credits unlike the 4 at Hover, you have to watch for the link. Plus while your surfing they have a letter hunt going on. You collect letters of the current phrase you are on when you finish the phrase you earn bonus credits too. This you don't have to pay attention it it is automatic.
Now this site offers dynamic Surf Rates, Plus multiply your surf ratio and continue the same surf ratio the next day, lasts for 24 hours. Free members start with 2:1 Ratio. Plus to up the amount of credits you earn per page view they have Power surf that generally last for 36 hours and will give you anywhere between 50% to 100% more credits per page view! This power surf will be on all 3 sites at the same time!
Now this site also offers Team Surfing that resets each day. At least once a week there is a cash prize for the top 3 teams!! You can also earn cash for referrals and a % of what your referrals spend on the site.
Another great feature is while you surf you earn 0.001 bonus point per page viewed and 0.3 bonus points per referral. These bonus points can be used to upgrade your account! So you don't have to pay for upgrades!!
The site also offers banner impressions, text impressions, free rotator and more!
So take these in and i will have a post of some more of my favs in a few days!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Traffic Exchanges
So many of us are looking to make some extra money online. Well few of us can figured out how to earn a living online. So in that strive many of us have created a blog to make money off of. Well some of us just do it for fun too and throw google adsense on it hoping for something right?
Well to get people to see your ads and to click on them or even see you blog you need traffic. People need to KNOW about your blog right?
Well a great way to get your blog seen and get your page rank up is Traffic Exchanges!
I recently discovered these and i have seen a huge increase of people to my blog, my blog earnings have gone up, people joining under my referral links has gone up, comments and dedicated readers too!
So now i want to share with you how it works. Traffic Exchanges are free unless you decide to buy an upgrade for whatever reason. You basicly view other sites for 10 seconds or so and you get credits to get others to view your sites. Easy enough!
With Traffic exchanges you can advertise your blog or website and many of your referral links! Now there are restrictions on what type of sites your can promote and this varies from site to site but the general rules are it can't break the surf frame (they run tests so you can tell before you even submit your site), No adult material, or curssing porn ect, site must be in english, many won't allow pop ups ect. So your really need to look at each one. If you are unsure and submit it anyway there worst they will do it turn it down. Many sites approve instantly while others will take 24 hours. Many sites will also require you to surf a certain number of sites to activate your account. normally it's about 25 sites to be active.
Well many Traffic Exchages have gone BEYOND all that and added special features! Like games team surfing, cash prizes, treasure hunts, and so much more it's now FUN to surf!
And yes you read correct CASH!! You can get a % back when your referrals upgrade. PLUS 4 of my fav. Traffic exchanges (TEs) now have Team surf and off cash prizes to the top 3 teams!
What is team surfing? This is a great feature! You pick a team to join and compete in surfing contest. Your surfing totals will count for the team. At the end of that day or week the team that wins will get extra bonus credits (sometimes in the 1,000's that means an extra 1,000 visitors to your blog or website) plus some are offing money too! this prize is split among the team members. Some Team surfing has competitions to find certain objects or collect a certain amount of objects before other teams to win additional prizes!
Most TEs have bonus pages where you can earn bonus credits, banner or text impressions. Plus they have games you play where you can earn more credits AND CASH!
So in the next few posts i will go over some of my Fav. Traffic Exchanges.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
November 2008 Earnings
Article Writing:
Associated Content – $9.00
Ciao - $2.35
EHow - $8.23
Gather - $25.00
Triond - $1.13
Article Writing Total: $45.71
HDCSurveys - $3.00
MyView – $9.00
Opinion Outpost - $5.00
Opinion Place – $5.00
SurveySavvy - $3.00
Surveys Total: $25.00
Paid Emails:
InBox Dollars - $28.00
Paid Emails Total: $28.00
Paid To Click (PTC):
Big Kahuna Clicks – $0.35
CactusJuice - $1.00 (ads)
ClixNCash - $1.44
DealBarbieDollarClick - $8.00
EgyptianClicks.COM - $1.00 (ads)
JillsClickCorner – $1.00
PTC Total: $12.79
Get Paid To Misc:
DealBarbiePays – $1.00 (ads)
Get Paid To Misc Total: $1.00
Monthly Total: $ 112.50
here is what one of the conversations looks like:
You can post this on your blog, website, myspace, facebook and more. Almost anywhere!!
These conversations are fun and each one pays different. You also ahve the option to donate your earning for certain conversations to charity they have several to choose from.
They pay you as soon as you balance hits $20 and they pay to pay pal.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
October Pay Out Proofs
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
My October 2008 Earnings
Article Writing:
Associated Content – $6.89
Ciao - $34.31
ThisIsBy - $0.22
Triond - $1.24
Article Writing Total: $42.66
Paid to Post:
Mylot – $10.94
Paid to Post Total: $10.94
Global Test Market - $1.70
HDCSurveys - $7.20
MySurvey - $7.95
MyView – $8.00
Opinion Outpost - $5.50
SurveySavvy - $3.50
TestSpin - $3.00
Your2Cents – $6.00
Surveys Total: $42.85
Paid Emails:
DealsNCash - $6.20
Hits4Pay - $19.09
InBox Dollars - $29.90
TakeTheInternetBack – $16.57
Paid Emails Total: $71.76
Paid To Click (PTC):
Big Kahuna Clicks – $0.67
ClixNCash - $1.81
DealBarbieDollarClick -$2.13
NippyClicks – $0.41
WordLinx – $1.52
PTC Total: $6.54
Get Paid To Misc:
DealBarbiePaysFast - $1.73
Get Paid To Misc Total: $1.73
Monthly Total: $176.48
My October Update
A friend of mine actully talked me into starting up my won site which expaned into now 3 sites.
I own 3 PTC and proud to say ahve made my first payments!
I am the owner of Dragonfly PTC, Wintery Clicks and PPC Pay Day
Now Dragonly PTC and Wintery Clicks I started brand new just took over the script and design and hit the ground running. PPC Pay Day i bought from the prevoius owner who wasn't able to take care of it any more. So that one i have redone and is now gaining even more members.
This is slightly new for me but i have been using PTC sites for years and i knew what i wanted out of one i just took that and turned it into these sites.
So now onward i go to post my October Earnings!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
September Payment Proofs Part 2
This is Triond:

Survey Savvy: $5.00
Thursday, October 9, 2008
September 2008 Earnings Payment Proof Pt 1
Any of these you can click to make bigger so they are easier to read.
Here is Swag Bux the 2 baseball cards i recived for the hubby:
Here is my payment from Nippy Clicks:

Saturday, October 4, 2008
Alert Pay, better then Paypal?
Alert pay has all the same features as Pay Pal AND you can accept more then one Curancy if you wish!
Another reason i ahve decided to use it? More people and websites are using Alert Pay then Pay Pal!
So if you haven't signed up for an Alert Pay account Isuggest you do so! Even if you don't use it but once a year it's a great way to accept money and when you try to buy a product and they only accept Alert Pay you'll be glad you did!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
My September 2008 Earnings
Payout proofs I am still waiting on a few and they should be posted within the next week.
Article Writing:
Associated Content - $8.64
EHow - $15.27
Helium – $0.50
Triond - $1.15
Article Writing Total: $25.56
Paid to Post:
MoreAChat - $1.40
Mylot – $5.91
Paid to Post Total: $7.31
HDCSurveys - $2.20
MySurvey - $20.00
MyView – $2.00
Opinion Outpost - $1.50
Opinion Place – $2.00
QuizPoints - $1.06
SurveySavvy - $5.00
SurveySpot – $29.00
Your2Cents – $4.00
Surveys Total: $66.79
Paid Emails:
DealsNCash - $5.88
Hits4Pay - $17.51
SendEarnings - $11.38
SnapDollars - $5.58
TakeTheInternetBack – $16.32
TikTikCash - $6.29
Paid Emails Total: $69.96
Paid To Click (PTC):
Big Kahuna Clicks – $0.07
ClixNCash - $0.23
ClixSense – $10.97
CrewBux – $0.15
DogGoneClicks –$0.01
IsabelMarco - $0.10
JillsClickCorner – $0.63
MoneyTreeClicks - $0.01
NeoBux - $0.21
NippyClicks – $0.11
PaidTheFastest - $0.12
Pixie-Clix – $0.37
SeaScapePTC - $0.05
SoutherFriedClickin – $1.26
StrawberrySwirl - $0.54
PTC Total: $14.83
Get Paid To Misc:
CashCrate – $8.75
DealBarbiePaysCash – $10.70
DealBarbiePaysFast - $0.57
FreebiesJunction – $3.04
FroggyFunds – $4.02
Moola - $10.00
SwagBucks - 2 Baseball cards(prize) and a $10 Gift Card
Get Paid To Misc Total: $83.26
My Sept 2008 Total: $267.71
Monday, September 29, 2008
Shared Reviews Out of money?
He posted the begining of September stating they are not able to make all of the June payments owed. They said they are strongly searching for new advertisments and new funding and are strongly commited to paying everyone what they are owed.
SharedReviews also states strongly they are not shutting down and they will start up payments again as soon as they have the funding.
So basicly at this point they want you to keep doing what your doing in the HOPES that they will find more money and be able to pay you. Well my question is what if they can't find the money? Then they will shut down. I hope SharedReviews does continue but i'm not holding my breath!
See the Post for you self in the SharedReviews Forum (you must be logged in to see)
Sunday, September 28, 2008
GPTBoycott is a list of non paying sites, that by their name, you can guess, is asking everybody to boycott.
GPTBoycott has quite an extensive list of sights that include,, Netwinner ect. This can be seen HERE.
Now here is how the sight works. If you have a complaint about a sight not paying you or a suspision of a scam by paypal dropping their account ect. submit it to GPTBoycott. (you can submitt HERE) Once they ahve 10 complaints on a site they start looking into them. If they can come up with 10 valid complaints then the site goes on the Boycott list. This is to ensure there isn't a boycotting done on an clean and true sight.
What does the boycotting do? Well this urges companies and indivduals to stay away from this site and eventualy the site will go out of business thus, stop scamming people!
Now they also have a watch list. This is a list of companies they ahve valid compaints on but not enough compliants and evidance to boycott them yet. This list here they are asking for you compliants and experiances to help push the company over the edge to the boycott list.
So check back often on this site and add you complaints to help others out! GONE! Scam!
This is the main reason i always say never to put money into a GPT but to only make money from it. Scam
The first article i found was here, from Compared Rewards and it is very indepth tellin how Netwinner was no longer able to pay it's members but kept the games going anyway. It also talks about the BBB complaints made on Netwinner. Also how Netwiiner tried to encourge all it's members to click on it's money making adds which is in violations of EVERY contract for any paid adds source i have ever come in comtact with!
Next i want to share This from Rip Off Report (it might take a minute to load). This report is one of many this person happened to be out almost $700 on prixes he was waiting for and nevr got.
Here is another report and GPTBoycott. (this site also has a nice long list of sites to stay away from!)
I hope the word gets out there fast enought for no ones else to be taken by this Scam company!
Saturday, September 27, 2008 SCAM!!
So you might have seen me saying how I was trying out (a PTC site) to see if what everyone was saying it true? Well it is. When you have more the 10 resources telling you something is a scam it probably is. So I am just confirming it now!
Let’s start by PayPal has canceled not one but 2 of their accounts they have tried to set up due to non payment and they ‘over drafting’ on their PayPal account. has also offered referral packages of 500 or more referrals, on top of advertising packages. When people buy these packages will take their money and leave them with ½ if that of their advertising they bought and next to no referrals.
Let’s not forget to mention all the people like myself has not paid and has remained pending for weeks or month and still nothing until has mysteriously shut down accounts or your login info doesn’t work anymore.
You can get on Google and search ‘ scam’ and find out tons more personal encounters to back up what I have just said.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Canadian Money Advisor
Canadian Money Advisor also helps you pick out which credit cards will suit your life and help rebuild your credit. One of their more popular ones is Capital One Canada. They give you all the info you need to help you decide on any credit card you may be interested in.
They also help you rebuild you credit with Canadian secured credit cards. Where you add money to the card and then use it like a credit card. This way you can’t spend money you don’t have and you can’t overdraw. This also helps rebuild your credit too. It’s great to start building your credit if you don’t have any.
They also help you with nay credit card questions you may have in the credit card blog. This blog has info on all types of credit cards as well as money saving advice.
Their company was website established in 2005. And they currently have 1650+ members.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
BizPreneur, Market yourself.
You create you profile and market what ever you want. you gain friends post blogs leave comments join groups, basicly promote yourself.
Then you reffer others. for ever 25 refferal they will pay you $25! Pretty easy huh? IF you know Myspace or Yuwie you will have no problem with theis site!