This list is a list of all the sites i am using to make money online and at home from my blog! Each month i will post the list with updated sites, why i am no longer using a site, info about each site, how much i made the previuos month (this list is how much i made the month of DECEMBER) the amounts are the amounts i have actully gotten a check for. I will also tell you how much i have in my account before i reach pay out and what the pay out is for each site. I hope this list help everybody with their money making efforts. Well here goes.... - Money made in December: $150. **This Site is FREE to join. You can write articles about any subject and any topic you want! They pay $3 - $25 a article. They pay directly to your PayPal account! So you never have to wait for payment as soon as you accpet their offer, with in 2 days you have the money in your account! - Money made in December: $10 gift card and 1,400+ points in account. **This site is where you get points for writing article replying to articles and pictures, posting pictures, joining groups, making friends, sending measages, creating groups, EVERYTHING you do on the site helps you earn points that you can use for gifts cars or save up to get $50 threw pay pal. - Money made in December: 95 points. ** This site i forgot about untill the last week of Dec. So haven't made many points. This site gives you points for shopping online so many points per dollar you spen. Points for reading emails and points for answering polls and signing up offers. Whenever i want to shop online i go here and shop threw here to get money back! Completly FREE to join! 140 points = $1 - Money made in December: $0 **In November i made $30 on here and was paid. Then in Dec. and now i am earning money from my refferals (about $10 every 2 month) but i can't post or reply to topics or images anymore. This site my not be on my list much longer but i seem to be the only one with this problem. The pay out is $10 and pays to PayPal or egold. If you do not get your min. $10 the money is carried over to the next month untill you do. - Money made in December: 5000 pts. **This site you play games and earn points. you then enter raffels with you points to win money. I haven't won anything yet but i have only entered 3 raffals so my chances haven't been that good. FREE to sign up! - Money made in December: $1.26 ** This site is FREE to join. I post the same article i do to asscociated content and some of the other i will list here. BUT you have to post them here BEFORE the other sites to (it take 1 - 2 days to be approved) They have a copy cat program and if the article is posted some place else (not includeing blogs) it won't approve the article. Now you get royalties from how many views your articles or pictures bring in. This is EVERY month. They pay threw pay pal and the min. Pay out is $0.50. Or you can save up to get a check from them but the check fee's are $3.Another way to make money is by blogs here is how: - Money made in December: none **I have $7.38 in my account. The min. pay out is $10 and it is threw Paypal. This is a blogging site you get paid to blog here. Here is how. This site pays you part of the money they get from advertising. You can have a max of 5 blog in your account and the more blog you have with more posts the more visitor you atract and they pay based on how many page views and how popular your blog are. I have 5 blogs here with about 125 posts between the 5 of them and i make about $0.20 a day for somthing i would be doing for free anyway! This site is FREE to join.
**This site doesn't NOT pay** - Money made in December: none. **I have $2.31 in my account right now. This site is alot like Blogcharm and FREE to join BUT you can only have 1 blog per account. You can also get $ from refferals to. This site keeps track of how many page views you ahve had also. I am new to this site but i don't see where it says it's min. pay out so we will see what happens.Now you can add advertisements and get a comission off of these sites also. Now for the comapnies you will promote threw advertisements i suggest you you also write an article about themwith your refferal links and sent it to Associated caonte, triond and the other i will mention later.
GoogleAdsense - Money made in December: none ** Account balance: $1.13. They pay threw a mailed check or directly into your bank account. The min. Pay out is $100. For this site you generate add to post and you get paid per click on those adds.
LinkShare - Money made in December: none **I also don't have any money in my account. i have a bunch of companies signed up for then i write an article about it then i start promoting that company. So i haven't done much but you can see how this can be profitable. They pay by check.
">ShareASale - Money made in December: none **No money in my account either. This site is eactly like LinkShare but set up differantly and with many more different comapnies. They pay by check.
ClickBank - Money made in December: none **No money in account either. I just started this site on January 4th. It is just like LinkShare and ShareASasle the min. pay out is $10. They pay threw Pay pal and online check.Back To money making websites.
EBay - Money made in December: $201.04 **This is an online auction site. I have sold stuff from around my house that i was going to throw away and that is what i have made! come spring i plan to go to garage sale and easte sales and get stuff priced cheap to sell on ebay and turn a profit! Oh and my selling fee for DEC. were only $30 and change not bad!
ChaCha - Money made in December: none ** I joined this site as a guide at the first of the year and i already have $40 in my account. ChaCha is a human based search engin. As a guide you assit other with searches and get paid between $5 -$10 an hour based on your level in the company. You get paid to search and you get paid to train other guides. You get a percentage of you network (threw invites) and paid to help promote ChaCha threw what ever their current promotion is. This site is by invite only so if you are interested in joining and being seriuos about working the site please email at I will do my best to get you an invite from me or some one else because we ahve a limited number to give each time they release invites! This site is FREE to join
MySurvey - Money made in December: $10 ** I have 1940 points in my account. is a site where you take surveys that review products and companies. You get 10 to see if you qualify for a certain review (if you fit the demographics they are looking for) if you do fit then they will pay you up to 1000 points to do a 20 minute survey. 1000 points = $10. This site is FREE to join.
Wise Orb - Money made in December: none **I just joined the first of the month. This is a site where you can post article written for payment compesations. now the min. pay out is $5 but anything under $50 will have a 20% admin fee taken out. I have sumbitten 2 articles and haven't had either published yet i will let you know.
**This site doesn't NOT pay, it is 'Frozen'**
Epinions - Money made in December: none ** I have no money in my account either. I joined this site towards the end of december. This site you write reviews about products and companies you have tried. Good or bad. Then at the end of each month they share their advertising income with you based you your reviews and how many views your reviews had. I haven't been on here a month yet but i should see something at the end of january!
Moola - Money made in December: none **Money in account $5.19. This is a gaming site. Alot like Who Wants To Be A Millionaire. they give you one penny you bet that one penny that you will win the game you chose to play. they have three games, high lo, rock paper sicors, tilt the scale. you play against another player that is betting the same amount as you. if you win you get two cents then you bet your two cents and try to win to double it gain. you can also just keep betting one cent thats up to you. But you can play up to $10,000 dollars. You also get money for signing up for offers and off of you network threw invites. This is an invite only site so if you want an invite please email me . This site is FREE to join.
Netwinner - Money made in December: none ** Another game site you get points for every number you get right almost like keno. Plus points for refferals. The points are the traded in for gift cards. This site is FREE to join.
BestCashRewards - Money made in December: none **This site is new and just started the seminars a few weeks ago. Basicly you watch 1 30 minute seminar once a week and you get seminar credits and you get paid based on how many people are under you. Thats the best was i can think to explain it. visit the site and they have a flash presentation explaining everything!
**This site has been shut down**
Cash Crate - Money made in December: $5 **This site you get paid to sign up for offers and paid on your refferals and money back on shopping. Once you start getting refferals the money comes easy you get 10% of what your refferals make! This site is FREE to join. They pay by check.
SFI - Money made in December: $9 **This is a site where you get comission fromy ou downline and get paid to promote their products and websites. It is free to join and you get a comission of all products bought threw your sites.
ZoomAndGo - Money made in December: none **I have $12.75 in my account. This site is where you post review hotel and vacation destinations and they reward you in points. 100 points = $1. each review earns you about 300 points. The best way to make money here is to review hotels BUT you have to have the exact dates you stayed because they will verify you with the hotel. This is an invitation only site and to get an invite please email me at This site is FREE to join and the cash out is $90.
ClubMom - Money made in December:$10 gift card ** I have about 100 points in my account. You get points back for shopping threw their partners, signing up for offers, and chatting to other people. YTou don't have to be a mom to be on here it's a great site for dad's too and you can have a blog and ask questions and so much more! This site is FREE to join.
Constant Content - Money made in December: none **I also have no money in my account. I have heard of many people including a close friend of mine make money from here but i submitt articlesi write and post to asscoiated content to here and they always reject them for bogus reasons. Maybe it's just me. I took a look at what articles are selling and i will try one like that. This is a site hwere you list your article for a buying price and some one buys it to use or you can sell the full rights. You can write article, revies, turtoerals, and blog entries. Plus you name the price. This site is FREE to join. It take $50 to cash out.
InboxDollars - Money made in December: none **I hvae $12 and change in my account. In november i bought the $17 gold membership. This site send yous email email you get paid to read plus you get paid to sign up for offers and paid shop, play games request freebies and answer survey's! This site is FREE to join and the pay out is $30
CashBuddyCafe - (say Dani24am reffered you) Money made in December: none **Money in account 138 points. I'm not sure what the actual points given are but i think it's like 5 points to post a new topic and 2 points to reply to one. They have tons of things always going on to earn extra points. This site is very new with less them 100 members. 2000 points = $5 and they have gift cards gift baskets advertising and paypal payment for you to chose from! This site is FREE to join.
BzzAgent - Money made in December: none **I have 85 points in my account and items to redeem start at 30 and go up. This site is where you test products adn websites and get points for it. The points you can then trade in for items and gift cards or donations. You get to keep all the products you test and you get points for answering survey's too. This site is FREE to join.
Cafe Press - Money made in December: none **With this site you create your own store. you take items they offer and add your pictures to them. Then you price the items to make a profit. They mail and produce the item for you! You cancreate so many cool things and add pictures to them! Check out my shop HERE. I just threw this togather in an hour to see what it is all about. This iste is FREE to join!
Take The Internet Back - Money made in December: none just joined a week ago. This is a fairly new site. You get 1 point for every mail read you can read up to 10 a day and you pick what you want to recive mail on. Plus you get money for refferals. I have 20 points. The cash out is $20 and they give you $10 right away. Now these points are ownership of the site. They give you money from advertising based on how much of the company you own (how many points you have) i understand they give money once a money. You can see who you reffered and what their adverting total is and their expances too. This site is FREE to join.
KiwiBox - Money made in December: none ** I have 5000 points in my account. This site is an on line mag. you save up you points and cahs them in for items. I'm saving for the big things. the items change about once a year. you get 200 points for signing up, you get points for refering and 20 points for signing in each day. You get points for playing games. And points for doing differant things around the site. This site is growing so fast the ahve entertainment articles, games, quizes the have blogs and question books and poll and so much to do i never get bored. blus you get your own free email when you sign up!
UserCash - Money made in December: none ** have have abour $0.02 in my account and i just joined 2 days ago! This site is basicly you redirect links to make money weather on myspace, fourum board or your website or blog. You put a small scrip on you site that your users can't see and when they click on any link on your site they are taken to that link but there is a small banner on the top on the page. and thats is where you money comes from you get $1 for every 9999 views and $1 for every 3999 clicks. this includes stuff you do on your site too. this doesn't sound like much but it's extra money in your pocket! if you have 500 clicks a day that about $50 a year. better then nothing right? This site is FREE to join.
Crazyptr - Money made in December: $2 **the min pay out is $2 and you get paid to read paid to click paid to refer, paid to sign up, paid to review ect. This site is still new with less the 200 members but i was one of the first and i love it! Plus you can advertise on here really cheap. 500 click threws for only $3.30! This site is FREE to join!
**This site no longer exists**
BlogFeast - Money made in December: none **This site is a blogging site that displays 90% of you google adsense. You give them your google ID and they post the ads for you! They give you points for posting, replying and refferaling and these points are used to bid on money they auction off in the Dollar auctions. I have 60 points but haven't done anything much in Dec. This site is FREE to join.
Sendearnings - Money made in December: none **money in account $5.03. This site is the SAME EXACT THING as InboxDollars it is the EACT SAME set up with different colors and owned by the SAME people. So if you can do inboxdollars you can do sendearningstoo and get the money twice! This site is FREE to join.
Duno - Money made in December: none **Just joined today from a recomendation of a friend who has seen a paycheck. This is a site where you get paid to answer questions and it a great place to find peole looking for your blog and website and to promote and get paid for it. Completely different then any i have seen.
MyFreeShares - Money made in December: none **This site is just like take the inernet back. You get shares for reading email reffering clicking and so much more. They update how much you have made on a daily basis and in real time. Plus advertsing is really cheap here too. CLICK HERE to advertise! This site is FREE to join.
ClassActClicks - Money made in December: $3 **Many random payouts min cash out is $10 but i haven't reached $3 with out cashing out. Paid to click paid to read tons There are so many paid to clicks that you will never get threw them all! Plus you can also sell you points to others and the points are cashed in for money! Plus you can advertise on here.
YouGovAmerica - Money made in December: none**This is a survey site where the press gets the opinion polls on thing you take a survey they tell you up front how much it will pay. They credit your account the second you are done. The pay out is $50 i hit that mark a few month back and amd not back up to $23 and change. They send you a check in the mail when you reach $50. They give you $2 for joining. This site is FREE to join.
Total Money Made in December online: $401.26