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Saturday, November 17, 2007

Associated Content

Associated Content is a site anybody with a Pay Pal account can sign up for. You join for FREE (my favorite word!) and the submit articles. The article must be about 400+ words which is really easy and you can write about anything that you want! It takes a week to review your article. Then if Associated Content decides to publish it they will make you an offer (if you submitted it for payment consideration) how high your offer it depends on a few factors. 1: if you submitted it for exclusive rights (you give them the full rights to the article) or if you submitted it for non exclusive rights (you keep the rights and can post it else where). The difference between the two is maybe $3 I suggest you keep the rights a post the article in other places which I will be posting shortly. 2: if they have a tons of article on that subject or not and 3: how many reader you your self have. You always have the option to reject what Associated Content is offering you and tweak it then try to resubmit it and try to get more money. Now the best part is when Associated Content pays you they pay you right to you pay pal account for every article whether its $3 or $25 Associated Content pays you right into you pay pal account.

Check out my articles and Associated Content HERE.

Sign up for Associated Content HERE.

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