You may have heard of, if not this site publishes tips you send in and says they will pay you $3 per tip. covers popular web topics including Cooking & Food, Education, Pets, Family, Finance & Money, Gardening, Household, Leisure & Recreation, Pets, Recycle/Reduce/Reuse, Relationships & Love, Technology, Transportation, Travel, and Wellness.
This sounds like a great concept until you start digging around and finding out that doesn’t always do what they promise that will.
In an interview from Associated Content Pam Gaulin tried to expose the founder in Interview with Nathan Preheim of DayTipper.
With so many tips being submitted, and approved, and only a small percentage of those actually being published each day, contributors are wondering, when or if they will see their tips in print and be paid for their submissions. What would you say to these people?"Nathan Preheim: " has steadily increased the number of tips is published daily. We originally published three tips per day. We are currently publishing six tips per day and we hope to continue steadily increase that number. I do ask that tip contributors be as patient as they can.
As you indicate, we do have a large tip queue and it's going to take awhile to publish all of these tips. I can tell you that if your tip has been approved, I can guarantee that it will be published."
Many people don’t believe a word he says because as it turns out this site has quickly turned into one of the biggest Scam sites around.
On many fourums such as the AC board people like Susan24515 are ‘outing’ Nathan in posts such as these:
‘Nathan-the-scammer started a site similar to AC, but for shorter articles. You write a 'tip', 500 characters or less idea that has helped you, and that you'd like to share with the world. It's published immediately, and has Google Adsense attached to it. Nathan-the-scammer makes money based on the page views. Occasionally, he sends one of the tip contributors the money ($3) he promised them, but not very often. He's paid around 500 people, but published over 10,000 of their tips. Anthony was the 10,000th person to get scammed, by this guy. Pam tried to get some answers out of him in her interview, but he was all hype and glossed over the non-payment problems.’
Nathan has since joined many sites such as Associated Content just to read threads exposing his site, or to bash articles that are badly written about him.
I myself have submitted about 25 tips only 10 of which were accepted, all have been published and none paid for.
Nathan has said many times the site is funded and he receives no money from the site, while every tip, over 10,000 tips total, have 8 Google Adsense ads running on them. That is a lot of money from Google in his pocket.
There have been many report filed with the FBI and BBB to get this guy shut down. But apparently this isn’t the first time Nathan had tried to scam us! is the new reincarnation of Vitamin-T ( A scam site just like in every way.
So I wouldn’t hold my breath for any payment from Nathan and any time soon. Take those tips and turn them into a great article for AC and make more money that way!
Now i have to add that since having that article posted on AC here:
i was paid for only 4 of my 16 submitted tips and i was paid 6 MONTHS after they were submitted!!! This site still rates as a SCAMM in my book!
I say it is a scam! I had the same problem and still haven't gotten paid.
thanks for the expose'. i had just found daytipper and was compiling tips to post when i decided to research first.
Published 2 tips (one published in book), never saw a single cent, never mind $6.00. This was 2 yrs ago...
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